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Virtual Sessions


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No matter where you live, the online Style and Shopping service allows you to quickly benefit from advice and tips to discover or assert your style comfortably installed at home.

You may have

- Questions about your style

- Doubts on outfits

- review your wardrobe before making extra purchases

- Need a specialist advice one outfit for a special event

Book a 30mn, 60mn or 75mn Zoom virtual consultation with me

Pick up your package and pay online.

I have an important event how can I dress?

30 minutes of personalized advice in videoconferencing (with the zoom tool).

When you have booked your session, I will contact you to set up an appointment.

I want to update the looks of the season following my body type

60 minutes of personalized advice in videoconferencing (with the zoom tool). When you have booked your session, I will contact you to set up an appointment.

I want to review my wardrobe and adapt it to the new trends

90 minutes of personalized advice in videoconferencing (with the zoom tool). When you have booked your session, I will contact you to set up an appointment.

Before our session you will be encouraged to think of any question you might have to

-          Discuss new trends and how it works for you

-          Review your online basket before making purchases

-          Evaluate closet clean-out piles you made to determine what to keep and what you should get rid off

-          Get new outfit ideas for pieces in your closet you don’t know how to wear or want to breath new life into

-          Create complete head to toe looks mixing new with old

-          Style overhaul

-          Discover how to highlight the silhouette

-          Create a specific and strategic online shopping