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Je vous remercie pour le LOOKBOOK, j’en suis ravie.

Plusieurs collègues m’ont dit que j’étais transformée et j’ai beaucoup de compliments
ces temps-ci
— Audrène

J’ai beaucoup appris et tout de suite mis en pratique tous vos précieux conseils.
— Kolia

I am really glad I decided to work with you...

Beautiful Cecile’ ! I really enjoyed our time together. I immediately came home and began going through my wardrobe. I tend to be a minimalist- and purged even more! I am really glad I decided to work with you and got the chance to know you. You are kind and loving as you are beautiful :-)
Also- I tried a burgundy eye shadow and my eyes popped- I used to wear that color! Thank you for the reminder.
— Rose

Cecile was the perfect choice for my needs. She canalized my personal style within a Parisian approach...

As an expat new in Paris, I needed help adjusting my personal style with my new way of life. Cecile was the perfect choice for my needs. She canalized my personal style within a Parisian approach. From image consultancy, closet detox, and personal shopping session we cover all to refresh and update my look.
I feel wonderful on every occasion and with a sense of elegance, that comes natural and effortless. I laugh today of how reduced my closet from former USA standards but even may be small is certainly the perfectly well-edited one that we all dream to have! Thanks, Cecile!
— Lichelle

Cecile, helped me find the perfect balance...

Black is easy and practical and I needed to find my true colors! Cecile, helped me find the perfect balance and discover that color is the new black!
Thank you!
— Lourdēs

Je me suis découvert une capacité à porter des couleurs vives

Grâce à vous je me suis découvert une capacité à porter des couleurs vives (mon manteau rose vif

ne m’a apporté que des compliments) et des chaussures à bout pointu! J’ ai encore un peu de chemin

à faire avec les accessoires mais il y a de l’espoir:-)

- Maelle